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Seaweed or macroalgae refers to several species of macroscopic, multicellular, marine algae. The term includes some types of red, brown, and green macroalgae - Wikipedia

Acetabularia Mediterranea

Acetabularia Mediterranea

Acetabularia Mediterranea

Acetabularia Mediterranea

Posidonia oceanica, commonly known as Neptune grass or Mediterranean tapeweed

Red Algae, Hydrolithon farinosum on Posidonia grass

Little Neptune grass, Cymodocea nodosa

Red sea weed the Asparagopsis Taxiformis

Peacocks tail, Padina Pavonica

Peacocks tail, Padina Pavonica

Dictyota dichotoma, forkweed

Dictyota dichotoma, forkweed

Algae Caulerpa racemosa

Algae Caulerpa racemosa

Jania rubens, the slender-beaded coral weed

Halimeda tuna is a species of calcareous green seaweed in the order Bryopsidales

Halimeda tuna is a species of calcareous green seaweed in the order Bryopsidales

Halimeda tuna is a species of calcareous green seaweed in the order Bryopsidales

Halimeda tuna is a species of calcareous green seaweed in the order Bryopsidales

Cladophora albida

Codium vermilara, green algae

Penicillus capitatus, Brush seaweed

Sphacelaria cirrosa

Caulerpa taxifolia

Gongolaria baccata
Gonolaria baccata or previously Cystoseira is a tough seaweed of a yellowish or brownish colour. It is a perennial, each year growing new branches up to 50 cm long from a dark brown, cone-shaped base. The main axis is flattened and has a cross section of 1 cm x 0.5 cm. The side branches are alternate and cylindrical, being arranged in a pinnate fashion. The smallest branches are fine and wiry. There are small, lemon-shaped aerocysts or air bladders on the smaller branches. Usually these are single but sometimes there are several in a chain.
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